Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Holy Cow!

Unbeknown to me while i'm reading Jordan Rubin's the Makers Diet, DH's reading his book, the Great Physician's RX ......from what i've read in recent years i have been leary of milk and giving it to my children...some researchers say that milk is one of the main causes of asthma today and more...So Why?????

The above writer is American and the food laws there are lower than here in Canada - but we don't have much more to boast, as our food laws are lower than European countries like the UK, Norway, etc....This is a Crazy quote / fact out of The Great Physician's RX, "A century ago, cows produced 400 to 500 lbs of milk annually. THANKS to "modern" farming methods, today's "supercows" regularily produce between 20,000 to 30,000 lbs of milk each year. Holy cow!" (this quote was originaly from an article from the site )

Is this bad? YES...all those hormones going into the milk we drink...just think of us nursing mamas who are constantly being told on labels of food and medicine, "do not take if nursing" - cause it goes to the baby- and it's not just hormones in cows milk to be concerned about...pulling THAT much milk from a cow that naturally gives a fraction of the amount, creates lots of other, i mean, utter problems...which in turn forces farmers or vets to give more antibiotics to the cow...which we drink.

dd's first milk was goat's, and now i make sunflower seed milk and almond milk - both of those have incredibly more nutritional value than cow's milk. Isn't it funny how we've been brainwashed to believe that dairy is the best form of calcium - lie - Calcium Has to be taken with magnesium for the body to absorb it properly...cows milk does not have a significant amount of magnesium in in actual we not building our bones but breaking them...sorry to step on any toes - if you are upset by this post - i encourage you to do your own research - just be aware of who is funding your info.

i may sound hardcore - i'm not really - we love our butter and full creme in our coffee...all in moderation.


  1. a goat would be sooooo great. i heard recently that our city had zoning allowing for up to one cow/city home, this only changed recently - perhaps we should lobby to change the zoning back - i sure would like a few laying hens in my back yard.
