Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Life north of the 53rd far....

Bundled up in layers, I was hanging up bed sheets on the line this morning. This may seem a little hard core, as it was snowing at the time. But I'm making up for loss time....a laundry dream for the 10 years we've been married...and now I have two on pulleys and a platform...simple, I know, but lovely.

Feeling a little overwhelmed these days..... I wasn't sure if I should start by catching up on all the missed blog reading of some of my favorite people, or if I should just delve in again and start blogging. Decided to just delve here we are. The shop/studio is packed with most of our boxes, and I'll be unpacked in about 6 months or so. That is realistic. Right?

Some of the things I like about where we now live.....

I like that our road is a gravel road...
I like the farmer's fields around us...
I like the brigade of neighbor's dogs following us on our morning walks...(especially the friendly-happy golden retriever that insists on bringing a stick)
I like the smell of wood stoves burning wood fuel....
I like that it feels like we are closer to nature....

I like the sound of the rain pattering on the roof....that's right, we are mobile home living. Different from all the character places I've lived in for the past 15 years, and most of my childhood. But we are excited about the changes we will make....Reno-ing one thing at a time at a leisurely pace so it's not too chaotic....for now I'll revel in some shag carpeting and designer wall paneling....and the 70's crochet crafting magazines that I found left here ...there was no sarcasm in that last one!
I like the river that our yard backs onto...and yet soberly revere it....happy that there is a good fence and gate...happy that my children revere it too.
I like that town is 5 minutes away....and wonder how is it that once in town everyone drives 30 km/hour.
I like that Papa comes home for lunch sometimes several times a week.
I like that my daughters have no fear to dance in our new small town church....and that it is welcomed.
I miss friends and family terribly....but look forward to deepening relationships even with the miles in between.....

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  1. I can picture you in your mobile home (I've lived in several and they can be so homey). I miss you terribly. I mailed you a little note (Gen Del). Glad you're able to find little treasures in where you are.

    1. Thanks Sweet Coralee! You are right - it is very homey. I can live with homey any day even if it is out dated.

  2. Oh I'm so glad to see this new post!!!!!!! I've been thinking about you a lot and hoping the move was going well. I was actually just thinking of emailing you the other day b/c I was starting to get worried. :) I like your "like" list and I hope your "do not like" list is short if existent. Looking forward to more blog posts from you.

  3. Well, I was just getting ready to contact the RCMP to report you missing, and here you are! So glad you're alive and well and getting settled in. Unpacking can be such a big task... even several years after moving in to our place, I still found myself telling the water meter reader that we had "just moved in" by way of excusing the mess and chaos. You're a much better home-maker than I'll ever be (or even aspire to be!) and I know your place'll be homey in no time. Wish you were still here, even though we don't meet up super often. Nice to know your still on the same planet, anyways, crocheting away. Take care and hi to all.

    1. Dear Tammy,
      I'm not sure if you get these replies - but I'll email you too just in case. THanks so much! That is so funny about continuing to tell folks you just moved in-I think I could totally see myself doing the same thing....although here everyone seems to kind of know they all know that we are the new kids on the block. It is quite surreal here in the homeschooling world. As a waldorfish homeschooler, I seem to be a minority amongst homeschoolers normally, and now I've moved to a town, where, so far apparently there are no other from the city where there was 4+ other homeschooling families within 4 blocks of me really being minority. Oh well - I am all for adventure!

  4. Great description of your home, life and hope for your future. You're not alone anymore on the homeschooling. I know we school a bit more traditionally but I have the feeling this town and this new adventure we're all onight bring about some interesting changes.

    1. Thanks Donna!!! Just today at the health food store in town, the owner gave me a name and phone number of another homeschooling mom in town! Hope your having a great wknd!
