Tuesday, February 10, 2015

...Finding Mama's Chill Pill...

I was reluctant to tip toe back into the blog world...

Amidst a sea of super-moms...{not all blogs of course}...it's intimidating and I'm no expert. Finding my way through motherhood...the forest of blessing and chaos, laying down dreams and picking up new ones...

...sometimes when it's quite...babies sleeping, older ones occupied, I slip outside {inform the 'olders' first}, and just breathe all that outdoor goodness in...and trace some of the steps of my children's last outdoor adventure...

Across our country road there is a creek-like-marsh, filled with tangles and tangles of trees and brush...it's impossible to go in there during the summer between all the new growth and water and wetness and mud. But in the winter, it's transformed into the magical "Fiss Fort"...don't ask me where that name came from...it's what's came out of THEIR mouths.

I enter...and hear the echo of their voices in my mind, of their play. I delight in them delighting in nature and good old fashioned imaginative play,  from technology....Fresh air filling lungs...that same air, my chill-pill and perspective comes...

I love life's reflections all around in nature, the tangle and mess of the woods proclaims beauty, depth and wisdom...my prayers whispered for wisdom...

...So tell me, whats your meditative{healthy} chill-pill? Coffee is an except-able answer too!

reflectively yours,


  1. Uhh...I just wrote a long comment and it disappeared! In a nutshell, I don't like winter. So I guess mine is either knitting or reading...or playing music and dancing in the kitchen with my boys. :)
