Friday, April 17, 2015

The Puppy...

 We said we'd never get a small dog...and we are continually learning Never to say Never. A little over a year ago, a ball of puff puppy arrived at our door, despite many efforts {A Dog Really wasn't practical in our modest cozy home; with a baby and four other young siblings} - he would not leave...

...This process went on for over a month and involved the local dog rescue...
We had watched the original Benji movie for a family movie night just a week before. Did I tell you that Irony is my middle name?
When you have your first child, you CANNOT Imagine how you could love Another as much as that first child...and the apprehension, Mama feels, pregnant with her second, can she love another as much as the first? And we are blown away how Love multiplies with each expansion of the family. You could say Something like that happened with this guy.

Life is the best school...these days I'm pondering Living out Love.
A wise man said, judge a situation by the fruit produced. Is it loving, is it patient, is it kind, or is it self-preserving and "me first" motivated? I want to weave this true love, that does not make assumptions based on my little knowledge, into all areas of life. In my relationships with my children, husband, friends and in our business as well. Living out love in business is interesting, because while other peers in business might be RACING, with that me-first mentality...I feel like it looks more like sowing seeds, even though you may not harvest them all. Someone else will harvest seed you'd sown, but you will end up harvesting seed that someone else sown.

 So today, I turn my attention to sowing, sowing into my family, investing in them, and sowing seeds into my sphere of influence. And the blessing arrives, sometimes in the most unexpected forms, like Cedar (smiling above).


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