Saturday, June 05, 2010

Treasure the time.....

In these weeks we've celebrated two of our three children's birthdays.  It is hard to believe that one year ago, on a bright May day, this was me working through a labor contraction;

And the bright button is One.

Three under 6, and the common comment is ::WOW that is busy:: Perhaps, but it could be busier. I'm not Catholic, but there is something that I admire about that Mary woman....she "treasured these things in her heart".....I want to remember the years when my children were little as a time when I treasured them and the time in my heart, even amongst the busyness of life.

It takes a little longer when they are helping...and a little messier....but I will choose to treasure the time....treasure the words they when out of the blue, almost 3, Joash asks in a staccato-cracky-voice if he can "please have a cup of tea"......

Yes, he is a proud 3, here with Papere.  Bonne Fete, mes petits choux!


  1. sooo sweet! happy birthdays to all and what a cool picture of your birthing, i ish id thought to have a photo snapped.

  2. I love her and miss her!!

  3. that black and white of you is SO beautiful! happy birthday!

  4. happy birthday wishes to your little one and all the other birthday-ers in your family.

  5. I LOVE the picture of you and the belly... you look so healthy and beautiful! I love seeing all of this blossoming. They grow so fast... *sigh* my little on just turned 1 a month ago.

  6. Happy Birthdays! I know, very belated. Also, did you make those cupcakes>? They are beautiful!
