Friday, May 13, 2011

It's never easy saying Good-bye

This week, we said Good-Bye, with breaking hearts....I'm still emotional as I write this. Dogs have been in apart of my life, most of my life. But by far, this special one (due to the love, care, and direction of mon amour, my husband), was dearest to me as well as her sister, Nikki (whom we lost 1 1/2 years earlier). They were Belgium Shepherds, the most beautiful, family dogs you could ever have (in my biased opinion).

 Soleil, (sun in French), was all black. She reminded me of the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood, but she was gentle despite her appearance. She was 15 1/2, outliving her lifespan by 2 1/2 years. Before we had children, these were our babies, they went where ever we went. Hiking, they carried their own backpacks from time to time. They LOVED retrieving, especially in the water, and they loved cuddling on our bed with us before the babies came.
 They brought so much color to our lives. So many times, when they would blow there soft soft coat (1-2 times a year), I contemplated getting it spun. Some folks would find that a little weird, although they wouldn't if it was as common as spun sheep's wool.

 We made crayon blocks this week to work on blending color in some of our homeschool activities. Our first blending exercise we chose was to fill the page in a rainbow color sequence. Rainbow day, as it turned out, was an emotional rainy day with tears for losing Soleil.

I confess I get very sappy when it comes to losing our pet friends. You can talk to my brother, he made me play a song over and over, that I wrote for our childhood dog, Sparky, called (are you ready for this?) "Angel in disguise". Yes, sappy indeed, but true.

Missing you and loving you Soleil!


  1. Sorry to hear that about Soleil. I never had a dog to love, but I always wanted one. It sounds like you really loved him.

    On another note, those crayon blocks looks SO cool! Love it!

  2. so sorry about soleil...i can so relate. i've had a 3 dear doggies in my adult life that I have had to say goodbye never gets easier. the other night I had a very vivid dream where one of my dogs was in my current home. I woke up thinking how is this possible. it was so nice of her to visit. I hope soleil visits you in your dreams.

  3. Thank-you Ladies for you kind words! It was time....and I look forward to putting up some framed memories of fur friends.

  4. we lost our dog three years ago and it has still be a difficult journey. its kind of like you can't remember a time before them. so glad that you had those moments together with those beautiful canines.
