Thursday, June 23, 2011

Experimental Essential Oils Project

Last night we were admiring our dying Peonies my neighbor had picked for us...their lemony-rose-lily smell, addictive. One of my daughters expressed her wish to somehow hold on to the smell. So our spontaneous project today, was inspired by this wish.

Living in the Canadian Prairies, my dream of growing a field of lavender and then harvesting it for both the dry herb and distilling it into an essential oil, may be far fetched. But I can simplify my dream for the time being.
We harvested the Peony petals and filled an 8 ounce mason jar, and in line with my lavender fantasy, we filled a second jar with Lavender leaves from the large pot outside (that husband dear got me for Mama's Day).

One day I do hope to actually keep a garden/herb prep/homemade remedy journal. It is a good idea, for now some labels will have to suffice. We used Grapeseed Oil, although Sweet Almond Oil would probably be a better choice.

Filling the jars first with the petals and leaves, we then covered them with the oil, making sure they were all under the oil. We shook them and will intend to shake them daily (one of daughter's joyful tasks) for the next 3 weeks - keeping them from sunlight. Yes, a dark bottle would be nice....but this is simpler, I don't have to deal with a tiny opening to get the leaves in or out!

Straining it will be the last step in our experiment. If this turns out positively I may just be reporting back with a new Peony-Wild Rose Deodorant story!

::Any links to herbal oils/essential oil making in the comments are welcome::


  1. I like this idea! I've been wondering just how I want to use my lavendar plant... it's still quite small, but I'm excited to do something with it! This is nice - you'll have to let me know how it turns out!

  2. I was riding my bike around the neighbourhood just yesterday, slowing down at the houses that smelled like peonies and was wondering if the smell could be bottled. I sure hope your experiment works! It's such a lovely smell and only lasts a few short weeks.

  3. This is so interesting. I would love to have a follow-up blogpost from you.

  4. Thank-you Ladies! Yes I will indeed post an update to this post. I'm shaking them everyday, and I had read that you should also smell them regularly. The Lavendula one seems to be coming along and has a eucalyptus scent. However the Peony one may not be working out...Passing by a parade of Peonies on our morning walk I was tempted to pick one and try again.

  5. I am interested in an update on this post :) I plan on a having a butterfly garden in my front yard and would love to harvest some of my lavender. I have one plant already that is so fragrant and pretty...i need more.

  6. I had a very scented rose floating in water this year for a while and the water started smelling like the rose. Very primitive of course but I have a whole side of my house that I planted in peonies and I would love to hear if your experiment worked.
