Friday, January 04, 2008

My first attempt at making a wedding cake went to the dogs...

- literally -

nope not this one!

my sister is getting married on a beach in a hot foreign place next week - but they found out that they had to be legally married in order to do that (renew there vows or something) they are going to get married tomorrow afternoon in my parents living room with just immediate family! i was given the cake task - i made a cute one for my dd's bday - but am NO WHERE near to being a pro -i just decorated it w/ regular butter cream i was ready for the next step - the shinier, harder kind of icing- my dear neighbor lent me a great retro magazine on cake decorating - i didn't know there were 3 layers of icing, 1st the butter cream, and then the fondant i spent my morning making this 4 layer vanilla cake, with towering mounds of icing about the you can see in this picture - i reiterate - i am far from a pro - i was just proud of the fact that there were 4 layers with rich creamy icing in between, and a smooth top, while i planned to conceal the not-so-smooth sides in some sort of decorations, flowers and such.....while it was not too happen!

- our dear dogs - have NEVER in their 10 years of life, taken any food items off of tables, counters and the like - i left the house with baby, for a matter of minutes to pick up dd from the same dear neighbor who had lent me the cake dec. magazine....walking into the kitchen to this sight - i was absolutely dumbfounded, my jaw was at my feet for the next 15min....obviously this 'french vanilla', 4 layered cake was too tempting for the canines, who were scampering out of the kitchen as we entered....i laughed and cryed at the same time - dd said, "it's ok maman, c'est correct, papa repairaise!" ya he'll have an interesting time fixing that (whenever something is broken dd consoles herself saying, papa will fix it when he comes home from work. Some of these things include her toys, bo-bo's(pronounce bough-bough, french, rather than the english, boo-boo), deflated stroller wheels, her crafts.....really, many things can be repaired by papa - but most of the ones that she consoles me or herself about, are beyond repair - much like my
the culprits


  1. What a tasty looking mess!
    (my mother once threw a cake against the wall in a fury-and after a good cry served the best ever birthday trifle with chunks of cake and mousse and fruit... no one except her frightened children were the wiser-we learned to stay clear on birthday cake baking days! ... at least you could laugh )

  2. At least you were able to well as cry...I think I would have cried and yelled at the dogs!

  3. not far from it! Rene picked up a couple of cakes, and we improvised and reinvented a new one...some pics to come!

  4. Oh My! You must really love your dogs if they are still living and breathing!
    I think I would have been a blubbering mess on the floor. Of course I probably would have brought the remainder of the cake down there with me and a big old fork!

  5. that cake disaster is just as wonderful as you had described. it reminds me of an incident around here a couple of weeks ago when, in a few uninterrupted minutes, I managed to pull together a fine lentil casserole. a few minutes after putting it in the oven I heard a popping sound. when i opened to the over to check on it, the glass casserole dish had exploded into a million pieces. i nearly exploded myself, but before the tears could start shooting from my eye sockets, i decided to quickly regroup. another casserole was in the oven in less than ten minutes. sometimes you have to act fast to avert a total meltdown! you're a trooper maman! way to go!
