I use to be more avid in making my own cosmetics as much as possible (deodorant, moisturizers, lip balm, sugar hair removal stuff, etc.), as i held to the opinion "if you can't eat it, it shouldn't go on your body"....putting it on your skin is pretty much the same thing as swallowing it. Time it takes to cook up these concoctions, is a rare commodity and so often i resort to buying it from health food stores and such.
Recently, to my dismay i found out that Tom's of Main was bought by chemical company, Colgate, and worse, Burt's Bees is now owned by chemical Giant, Clorox-Palmolive....i sigh...
On the bright side i just came across this website, Skin Deep - which is a database where you can type in a product, ingredient, or company and it'll give you detailed information on the safety or toxicity of a product....that a bookmarker!
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