Monday, May 04, 2015

One Tip for your Washer AND Your Health!

 ...From the Wife of an Appliance Repair Technician...{me}

A little while ago, my personal repair man {husband}, brought home some wet blankets. He asked if I didn't mind throwing them in the dryer. "They are clean, just used them in testing a washer I was working on. They've been washed several times."

No problem...I SHOULD have line dried them. But it was below 0 and I didn't really want frozen blankets. {Mistake #1}

Led to Mistake #2.

Fifteen minutes into the dryer running, I could not stand the fragrance, the smell of the detergent was giving me a headache, even though the dryer is ventilated to the outdoors. In the kitchen, the next room over from the laundry,  I was suffocating in artificial, headache inducing scent.

Rang up hubby quick. "I just have one request, can you please, please not use other people's laundry detergents? The toxic fragrance is giving me a killer headache".

"You know what the crazy thing is?" says my Repair Man. "I don't ever use detergent! People use so much detergent that the residue is almost permanently in their machine."

Your washer and your laundry will thank-you for putting LESS detergent in it! A little vinegar gives a little Love on (or in) your servant, the washer. If you've ever cloth diapered than you know, detergent is often the cause of stinky - falling apart diapers and the same goes for the rest of our laundry.

With skin being our largest organ, and soap residue staying on clothing, it's no wonder so many folks' healthy is compromised with those toxins being absorbed throughout the hours of the day...The quickest way for our bodies to absorb something is through inhalation - Lovely when it comes to Essential Oils - Horrendous when it come to artificial fragrance.

Alternatives?...I'd love to hear alternatives in the comments! What healthier detergents do you use other than the regular brands on store shelves?


  1. Ugh... I know! When I buy used clothing for my kids it always takes many washes for the strong smell of scented detergent to completely go away. We've been using Nelly's laundry soda and love it!

    1. Thanks Emma! I haven't tried Nelly's before.
      But - ya, I do know what you mean - that is crazy!

  2. I grate a bar of Trader Joe's Tea Tree oil soap, add it to a gallon of boiling water, stir until dissolved, then add to about 3 gallons of hot water in a big bucket. Stir in about 2/3 to 1 cup of washing soda until dissolved and add favorite essential oil. I keep stirring about every hour or so until it's cooled. Bottle it up in some empty plastic jugs.
    I use about 1/3 cup per wash load. It does a wonderful job and is very friendly to the garden and trees that the washing machine drain into.

  3. I haven't used commercial detergent in a long time, DIY all the way!
