Monday, December 20, 2010

Toys that delight young and old!

The season of giving, gifts, and that means toys as well, is upon us! And my obsession with Etsy is acceptable! My favorite toy stores are the farmer's markets/artisan markets and Etsy.  I picked up these 2 play covered wagons from Etsy store:  Tweet Toys by Willow Baus go along with our love for the 'Little House' series!

This month we finished our 3rd Little House book, Farmer Boy. And I have to say, that it was my favorite so far. That women, Mrs. Wilder Senior was AMAZING! If there is any women that I know of like this one, she was it!

I also purchased this PDF pattern off Etsy store Woolhalla
When I have some of these beauties completed I'll be sure to post some pics. For now, my crochet needles are moving as quickly as possible in time for Christmas....and Mrs. Wilder comes to mind, as her knitting needles moved so quickly that they heated up with the friction they caused!

How are your holiday preparations coming?


  1. love the covered wagon! Farmer Boy was one of my favourites, too!

  2. Do you people have a facebook fan page? I looked for one on twitter but could not discover one, I would really like to become a fan!

  3. Yes, that wagon would be popular around here. We just finished Farmer Boy and started the Plum Creek one. Oddly enough, though I have two young lads, they really seem to prefer Laura and Mary to Almonzo! In fact, Addie's waning interest in the series was totally revived when he realized that Laura and Mary (and Jack!) were back. Some exciting (and sometimes scary!) stuff happening at Plum Creek, I tell you! Hope you all have a great Christmas!

  4. Thanks Anonymous:

    @Tammy - lol! I don't think ours like Almonzo as much as Laura and Mary as well - although I think Selah was a little taken with the whole farm idea and all. We also started Plum Creek too;) I told them that after Plum Creek we're going to take a little break from the Little House series.
    Miss you Tammy!
