My mother use to sing, "14 Angels watch over me" when I was a little girl. Yesterday I saw first hand, some of those watching over me and my three littles - as life flashed before my eyes.
Driving conditions yesterday were less than ideal, and I hit a patch of black ice - even though I was going under 50Kilometers/hour in a 60Km zone (I don't know how many miles that is), with 4 studded winter tires, I still fish tailed and saw myself sliding and spiraling into on coming traffic.
As I spun towards the traffic coming right at me, the car slid back to the right side of the road and into a snow bank. The whole lower left side of my car buried - and I breathing my prayer of thanksgiving! Two caring kind folks stopped, to help assess the damages. One in a dark pick-up truck said he had a tow rope, and that he would pull me out - I said that he was an angel (thinking honestly at that moment that he may very well be!) - he said that he hadn't been called that before.
Miracles do happen every day....My thoughts and prayers are that I would be awake enough to notice the big and small miracles! My ongoing miracle challenge for this ADD mother is in organization. But I will NOT give up. I'm starting to post some unfinished projects on Etsy so to continue the phenomenon of transformation in my home and projects!
Safe blessings to you and your household - What miracles are you grateful for?
so glad you're safe! what a beautiful quilt in progress!