Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Always Looking for Toy Storage Solutions

Toy storage solutions bring peace of mind, peace in the house and even beautify some uncomely toys that end up getting collected. Organization does not come naturally for me - but I do have a counterpart (my Husband), who has given me the sweet taste of how lovely some organization helps a house or day flow.

 After Christmas with the influx of new toys I was in the market for ideas for better toy storage solutions. One of being which; all the new art supplies. The large Ovaltine can that we used for both crayons and markers was at it's max and overflowing.

So like many creations that happen in our house (in more defense than offense!) I finally bit the bullet and made a few of these. Yes, you've seen them before - pretty much every artsy mama, homeschooling mama, stay home mama who sews has made one of these. Sorry I don't have a pattern. I dug through my basket of felted sweaters waiting to be made into soakers that didn't quite happen, and rummaged through scrap fabric shelves to piece together - giving the shiny markers a more homegrown feel.

Feel free to leave your link to one of your winning toy storage solutions in the comments - and I'll be sure to stop by, and maybe implement some of your cleverness!


  1. Those are lovely! Reminds me of a knitted crayon carrier I made last year.

  2. That's a great solution. I, too, am always in need of more organization. Sometimes I threaten my kids with the toy monster - he'll come and eat the toys that werent' put away - but they're on to me. They're also on to the way I sometimes sneak toys into the basement for storage and bring new ones up. Now they think the basement is their playspace, too. Our best solution would be to actually USE the shelves and cupboards we have more wisely... or use them at all! Good luck with the ongoing quest!

  3. I love your solution. I wish I were so handy with the sewing machine. I love it!
